Shrek's skilful arms and dextrous hands flipping the crêpe at Chandeler (sic) which happened in February where the French and by extension Swiss farewell the end of winter and cold or welcome/greet verglas (the return of silver frostbites/glazed frost) by having a Crêpes party.
The song goes something like...
Shrek you can post the lyrics in the comments section, ta muchly.
Anyway if your crêpe slips on the side then you will apparently attract bad luck.
My children love Chandeler (sic) and Shrek was happy to oblige. This is backlog but I wanted to share a photo of Shrek skilfully handling the crêpe flipping. Crêpes are one of the few food Shrek has managed with his improvisation that turn out to be quite good. Although the thickness of his crêpes are somewhat irregular, matters not because the kids are fond of Shrek's crêpes and I will more than readily admit I am hopeless at making crê I leave this task in Shrek's reliably strong arms. What a man yeah !!
Well done
1 commentaire:
La veille de la chandeleur,
l'hiver se passe ou prend vigueur.
Si tu sais bien tenir la poêle,
à toi l'argent en quantité.
Mais gare à la mauvaise étoile,
si tu mets la crêpe à côté.
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